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Coventry Open Christmas
MAKING A DIFFERENCE AT CHRISTMAS. Registered Charity Number 1186500.

News from Coventry Open Christmas


Without your generosity we cannot run the shelter.

We urgently need donations of clothing, bedding, toiletries and food.


Ten years ago was the first time we had opened the shelter all day.

Given how well this has worked we will be doing the same this year.

Message from the Grub and Gab Chairman:

"We achieve our aims in two ways. Every Saturday we provide a cooked lunch and company at the St Barnabas Family Centre, Cromwell Street, CV6 5EZ.  Here there is a relaxed atmosphere and we all enjoy a good chat with our visitors. If you are interested in helping on Saturdays, please contact us.   
The Open Christmas is well known to all, and demand for it's services continues to increase.

It's good to see so many people joining in with us to make a difference, and getting fun and satisfaction out of doing it!"